The society aims to provide academic support, training, and the establishment of guidelines for comprehensive and holistic peripartum medicine.

SOOMSA (Society of obstetric medicine of South Africa) was founded in 2020 to represent health care workers caring for women with medical conditions in pregnancy.

Obstetric medicine focusses on the pre-pregnancy, intra-partum and post-partum care of women with medical conditions. Obstetric physicians work closely with maternal fetal medicine specialists in caring for women with chronic or acute medical conditions.

We aim to provide support for all health care workers working with women with medical conditions associated with pregnancy.

SOOMSA is a non profit organization dedicated to the reduction of maternal mortality in South Africa.

Become a Member

SOOMSA welcomes all physicians, obstetricians, anaesthetists and midwives caring for expecting mothers.


  • The opportunity to be first in line to join meetings, training workshops and events

  • Join a large network of your peers and experts

  • Contribute to establishing guidelines for Obstetric Medicine in South Africa

  • Access to research and trials

  • Quarterly Newsletter with the latest news from SOOMSA and international Obstetric Medicine Societies

NEW MEMBER R200 joining fee  PLUS R200 Annual fee R400

R200 joining fee
PLUS R200 Annual fee

ANNUAL RENEWAL R200 per year payable 1 February every year

R200 per year
payable 1 February every year

Meet the Team

Society of Obstetric Medicine South Africa

  • Chairperson

    Dr Lizemarie Wium is a specialist physician with an interest in obstetric medicine. She completed MBChB at the University of the Free State, and in 2016 acquired an Mmed(Internal Medicine) and FCP(SA) from the University of Pretoria. Lizemarie was trained in obstetric medicine by professor Catherine Nelson-Piercy at the Guy's and St Thomas Hospital Trust, London in 2018. She has been practicing as a general physician and obstetric physician at the University of Pretoria since 2017. She has a special interest in the care of high risk obstetric patients, critical care obstetrics and renal disease in pregnancy.

  • Deputy Chairperson

    Dr Ayesha Osman is a specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. She completed her subspecialist training in Maternal Fetal Medicine in 2017 and holds two Masters degrees, having completed her MPhil with distinction in 2018. She has a special interest in Critical Care Obstetrics and the High Risk Obstetric patient with a particular focus on cardiac disease in pregnancy. She is also skilled at maternal echocardiography. Ayesha was appointed as an assessor in the Western Cape for the NCCEMD in 2017 to date. She currently works as a Consultant in the Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Groote Schuur Hospital, University of Cape Town.

  • Secretary

    Dr Luchelle Nel completed MBChB in 2004 at the University of Pretoria. She completed her internship and community service year in the Eastern and Western Cape respectively and spent a year abroad in the Republic of Ireland, working in emergency medicine whilst traveling extensively. She later completed a fellowship with the South African Colleges of Physicians as well as a Masters degree in Internal Medicine with distinction in 2014 at UP. Dr Nel practiced as a consultant in internal medicine at the University of Pretoria before joining full time private practice at Kloof Mediclinic with a focus on maternal health and a special interest in high risk maternal cases.

  • Treasurer

    Jarrod Zamparini is a Specialist Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital (CMJAH) and Netcare Park Lane Hospital. He completed his undergraduate training at the University of Pretoria and his postgraduate training in Internal Medicine on the University of the Witwatersrand training circuit. Jarrod has a special interest in Obstetric Medicine and is passionate about working with Obstetricians and other healthcare professionals to deliver top quality medical care to pregnant women with medical problems. He has established an Obstetric Medicine Unit at CMJAH and provides an Obstetric Medicine service at Netcare Park Lane Hospital.

  • Executive Member

    Dr Samantha Budhram is a subspecialist in Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) and received an MPhil (MFM) from the Stellenbosch University in 2016. She is currently Head of Clinical Unit in the Department of Maternal Fetal Medicine at Tygerberg Hospital and a senior lecturer in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Stellenbosch University. She has a keen interest in the impact of maternal disease on the feto-placental unit and pathology of the feto-placental unit affecting maternal health (e.g. Diabetes and the hypertensive disorders). She loves teaching and enjoys research. Her goal is to increase access to care and more specifically quality care to pregnant women and their unborn child/children and believes that the key is education and creating opportunities and SOOMSA is ideally positioned to make the change!

Latest News

“Obstetric physicians can play a vital part in the management of complicated pregnancies. South Africa has most of the infrastructure ready for developing an obstetric medicine programme and sub-speciality. With an increased focus on maternal health, babies and children will be nurtured into stronger, healthier adults. The HPCSA and College of Medicine do not yet recognise obstetric medicine as a sub-speciality.”

Lizemarie Wium

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